Website & Hosting Decisions Domain Name(s)Do you currently have a domain name for your site?(Required) YES NO What is the primary domain name for your site?(Required)Do you know where the domain is registered?(Required) YES NO Do you have access to the registrar account?(Required) YES NO UNSURE How would you like your domain name to be registered?(Required) In our own Registrar Account. Under our name and ownership in an account we don't have to manage. Website & HostingDo you currently have a website?(Required) YES NO Do you know where the site is hosted?(Required) YES NO How is the site hosting managed?(Required) We own/manage the site hosting account. Somebody else owns/manages the site hosting for us. There's a mixture of things going on. Would you like to keep this hosting configuration as it is?(Required) YES NO OTHER Care & MaintenanceHow would you like to care for your site after it's launched?(Required) We'll handle it all internally. We'll do some of it and would like help with the rest. We'd like someone to handle it all for us. Δ